

Site Updates

Codex Derynianus King Kelson's Bride

Characters Geography Quotes

Deryni Books

Fan Fiction Conventions NG Gossip


Convention Appearances and News.

Future Conventions

Darkover 2000.

DragonCon in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. From June the 29th to July the 2nd, 2000.

EasterCon, 2000

The EasterCon 2000 convention was in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, from the 21st to the 24th of April, 2000.
The EasterCon homepage is at
Read my report of the interview of Katherine Kurtz, hosted by Carolyn at the Quality Central Hotel in Glasgow.

The Darkover Convention, 1999
You can read some of the articles posted to the newsgroup here.

PhilCon, 1999

The home page is at

The Darkover Convention, 1998

Gossip and news was supplied by Susan to the newsgroup.
Follow the link to read her report.
Darkover 1998 Report

Westercon 51, 1998

Started on Thursday the 4th July 1998 in San Diego, California.

Schedule for KK was something like:
Thursday night, reading an extract from "The Temple and the Stone"
Saturday, interviews
Sunday, reading an extract from KKB

Patience is a virtue, as always.
Now there is loads of available information thanks to KK, who had to provide it, and because of Susan and Melissa, who attended the conference and produced long reports for the newsgroup. A very big thankyou to everyone, including Scott, an organiser of the convention.

The following pages contain long reports from the newsgroup with information about the KK's lastest book, King Kelson's Bride. At the convention, KK read the prologue and the first chapter which included the identity of the bride.
Please do not read these pages if you do not wish any advance knowledge of the book!

Of interest to any waiting for KKB is that KK has finished writing it and handed it to the publishers. It may be released by May next year. At present Robert Reginald and Anne MaCaffrey have copies of the book on disk.

The next Deryni novels that KK is planning to write are the Childe Morgan series. It is also possible that there will be a future book or books about Kelson, set several years after his marriage to Bride. Before these KK will be writing her Joan of Arc book and a short story about the gargoyles guarding the cathedrals of Dublin.

Westercon news page one and page two.